I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year. Being a teacher is when I am most in my element and I want you to know that when your child is with me they are going to be cared for as if they were my own! To say I’m excited to be back in the classroom this year is an understatement! It is going to be an awesome year in room 16

Mrs. Jaramillo
Homework Assignments
Homework will be sent in home in their green homework folders every week on the Friday before. A homework cover page will be attached to that homework packet that has a break down of every assignment by the day. I will also have important announcements on the bottom of the cover page for you to review. The homework cover page will be updated weekly at the link below
Contact Info
Email: amanda_jaramillo@etiwanda.org
Back to School Night Slides
Click Here to view slides
Additional Information if Needed
IF you are looking for extra resources for your child to do at home please do any of the following:
Iready My Path Reading or Math