R=Restate the Question
A=Answer the Question
C=Cite Evidence from the Text In paragraph__, the author stated, "....." On page___, the author stated, "...." (these would be quotes from the text that support their answer)
E=Expand on your answer (using your own words, give more explanation of your answer)
R=Restate Closing Statement In conclusion...... As you can see.....
Summary and Sequence
The following are ideas for organizations to write a summary or sequence of events:
Did what....
Behavioral Strategies
Behavioral Strategies when Working with Your Student
1. Have a conversation with your student on what is his/her preferred (favorite) or non-preferred (not favorite) subject.
2. For subjects that are non-preferred front load (let them know ahead of time) how long they will be working on it or how much will they will be expected to complete for example "Next, we will do (subject) but we are going to only do 20 minutes or we have to do 5 out of the 10 (subject) questions.
3. Chunk Information
-First and then language (ex. first due math then take a 10 minute break)
-Use timers (ex. work for 10 minutes then a 5 minute break)
4. Use a Positive Rewards System
-Have them choice what they are working (preferred activity) for ahead of time
-Use stickers, happy faces, stars, or any other motivational symbol (ex. Earn a sticker for every question you complete and then ear a preferred/fun activity)
-Chrome Music Lab is a great brain break or incentive for some kids
5. Be creative to motivate them through this new journey!