Sweetheart Dance - RSVP Required

Teacher Bitmoji

Mrs. April Clark


Welcome to our First Grade Page!

I am so happy to be with you as Falcon Ridge heads into this next year.  It is a joy and honor to teach your children and partner with you for their academic success!

Class Mission:  We will work cooperatively to achieve academic success while learning to be independent, organized, and thoughtful.

Nine tenths of education is encouragement. - Anatole France

Google Classroom

*Using your student Google Account, visit our Google Classroom!

Upcoming Events

WELCOME TO FIRST GRADE 2024-2025!  See Fox Flyer for details.


2/7 Sweetheart dance
2/14 Lincoln Day - No School
2/17 Presidents' Day - No School

School Schedule:  Campus opens at 7:45am...Mondays 8:15-1:15pm, Tuesday-Friday 8:15-2:45pm

PE: Begins 8/9, Monday 8:20-9:10, Friday 1-1:50pm, tennis shoes & appropriate dress, reusable water bottle (labeled with name).

Library: Tuesdays (begins 8/13)

SPIRIT WEAR: Every Friday (Wear at least 50% Orange, Turquoise, or Gray)


Link to information (below)

***IMPORTANT DISMISSAL INFORMATION*** Please let your child know / email teacher regarding where you plan to pick up. There are FOUR options: 1) Front of school "CAR" pick up, 2) South side of school "WALKERS" who will be crossed over to come to you (this area includes older siblings meeting younger Kinder siblings), 3) South side of school "BUS RIDERS" 4) "CHILDCARE" for those who are already enrolled (please email schedule...whether every day or specific days). Thank you, Mrs. Clark (april_clark@etiwanda.org)

***IMPORTANT BREAKFAST INFORMATION***Please come by 7:40am. Breakfast service is a short time. It ends promptly at 7:55am to allow students time to eat and time to be on time to class. Students need this very important meal to have a great start to their day. Like lunch, it is FREE!!! Thank you for all of your support.

Homework Assignments

Back to School Night

Back to School Night TBD

Back to School Night Presentation >>>>>



School Supply Lists are suggested items and voluntary for donation.

Beneficial items:

  • Headphones (wired) that fully cover ears for daily use at school beginning our first day.

School Supplies

Other Resources

Additional Information if Needed