Welcome foxes!
Hello there! I'm Mrs. De Angelo and I'm so excited for this school year to begin. This will be my 18th year teaching. I've also taught 2nd and 5th grade in our district, but 3rd grade is my happy place! It's a great age and I enjoy seeing how much growth happens within our time together. I am passionate about reading and writing stories with the students. We cover a lot of literature and it inspires us to use our imagination through our own story telling. I also enjoy teaching them life long math skills that they will need and use for years to come. I look forward to building a relationship with you and your child this year on our journey including our district motto "Reaching New Heights."
Mrs. De Angelo
Lunch Information
Breakfast and lunch are FREE this year for ALL students!
Lunch will be served Monday – Friday during our grade level lunch time.
12:05-12:45Students will eat lunch outside or in the MPR
On inclimate weather, students will eat in the MPR OR the classroom with supervision
Menus can be found on the Menus page
Upcoming Events
Back to School Slideshow
Gates open for ice cream and music @5:00
Room F4
1st session @ 6:00
2nd session @ 6:35
Amazon Classroom Wishlist
A Peet At Our Week
On the Spot Videos (All Grades and Chapters)
Math Practice Book (Printable Homework pages)
Enrichment Practice Book (Printables)
Interactive Student Edition (Walks you through our daily lessons)
Multiplication Resources:
Math Drills Parent Resources: This will share the order of facts and how you can verbally quiz your child.
Math Drills (print levels and do 5 minute tests) Math-drills video tutorial Flashcards are provided in class, but if you're child has lost theirs or you'd like another set, click here for flashcards.
Suggested Supply List
Supply Box
Headphones or earbuds (Quality ones are essential)
Expo Markers (2)
Whiteboard eraser
Crayola Markers (thinner tip)
1 kleenex box to share with the class
Red ball point pen
Pencils (4) Ticondera or Mirado brand
Highlighters (2) Any color
Your child does NOT need additional binders or folders, so save those for 4th grade. All above items are for donation and therefore not required.