Mrs. Pineda and I am so excited to be your 3rd grade teacher! I cannot wait to begin the school year! I look forward to meeting you and making this the best year yet!
Homework Assignments
*Homework is subject to change
Important Dates
August 5th- First Day of School!
August 8th- Back to School Night
August 15th- Picture Day
September 2nd- No School
September 9th- No School
September 13th- Progress Reports
September 23rd-27th- Parent Teacher/ Student Conferences
September 30th- Ofrenda Directions going home
October 7th- No School
October 10th- Halloween Carnival
October 25th- End of Trimester 1
October 28th- Ofrenda Due
November 11th- No School
November 14th- Trimester Awards
November 15th- Kidchella
November 19th- Gingerbread Cookie Due, VIP Lunch
November 25th-29th- Thanksgiving Break =)
December 12th- Holiday Store
December 19th- Holiday Party/ Sock Exchange
December 20th-January 3rd- Winter Break
January 20th- No School
January 31st- No School
Important Codes and Information
Remind App: Remind am code: Remind pm code:
I love this app and use it all the time!
Google Classroom: Students were already invited to join our class. They simply have to accept the invitation on Google Classroom. Parents may also join to keep updated on assignments and grades. If you are having trouble, please message me for the log in code!
Zoom link on Google Classroom!
Educational Links
Use these links to help support your learning at home
Accelerated Reader
You can use Renaissance Home Connect to check your child's progress toward making their AR goal. Use your child's username and password to log in
ConnectEd - Wonders Reading Program
To login, make sure to use your child's Google account information to log in.
Think Central - Go Math!
Student usernames and passwords should be the same as their AR login information.