Welcome to Fourth

Contact Information:


Golden School: (909) 463-9105

school logo

Mrs. Valtier

Welcome to fourth grade!  My name is Kerri Valtier, and I have been teaching for well over twenty years in first through fourth grade.  I love to teach elementary students because it keeps me young at heart.  My goal is to build a family environment where we grow and learn together through projects, technology, leveled small group instruction, field trips, and fun activities.  I want my children to not only be great academic students, but also great citizens who go into the world making it a better place.  Please feel free to email me with any questions. 

I attended California State University San Bernardino where I received my Bachelor’s degree and teaching credential and then completed a Masters in Educational Administration at Chapman University. I have been teaching for 28 years in Central and Etiwanda School Districts, from first through fourth grades.

My family is very important to me. What a blessing to be married for 27 years to a great man! He is a 911 dispatcher for ConFire. We have two amazing daughters who also went through Golden Elementary.  Emily is a junior at Grand Canyon University studying elementary education. Alexis graduated from Azusa Pacific University in Honors College majoring in biology and chemistry.  She is currently attending her second year at Kansas City University for medical school in Missouri.

I love traveling, hiking, shopping, throwing themed parties, and spending time at the beach.  Most of all, I love doing these things with my family.  Time with your loved ones is precious, and each day is a gift.
I strongly believe in educating the whole child; academically, socially, and emotionally. Learning to be kind and work with others is so important. It makes for a better world.

"Wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness."

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -Christopher Robin (A.A. Milne)


"Back to School Night" Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMiwNgOBAWjnN_eWQcWNuaMwBKKHt98FT7ueJgu6TTY/edit#slide=id.g8cee744244_0_770



The Etiwanda app has been improved to include a new platform for home-to-school communication. The new feature, Rooms, provides an option for class announcements and two-way parent-teacher chat. Families will be able to toggle between teachers or toggle between children, all in one app.

To access Rooms, families will need to download the Etiwanda app. Once the Etiwanda app is on your mobile phone, watch for an email on August 7 after 4:00 p.m. with a link to activate the Rooms account. You will be prompted to create a password when clicking the link. Once the setup process is complete, Rooms will be synced with your child’s teacher and ready to receive or send communication. If you miss the email on August 7, reminders will be sent on August 10 and 15.

To download the Etiwanda app, visit the App Store or Google Play Store. Rooms is also available on a desktop or laptop through eduRooms.com.

The Etiwanda app can be your hub for everything Etiwanda, in addition to Rooms.

  • Access to your child's grades through the main menu

  • Integrated Google Classroom

  • Direct access to Child Care information

  • Live feed for school and district announcements

  • Breakfast and Lunch menus

  • Access to the district website, including school year calendar, medication forms, and more.

Video on Etiwanda App and the New Feature - Rooms

Video on Etiwanda App and the New Feature Rooms in SPANISH

Video on Etiwanda App and the New Feature Rooms in MANDARIN

Video on Etiwanda App and the New Feature Rooms in ARABIC

Upcoming Events

PTA Membership: https://johnlgoldenpta.com/membership/


13 - AR Cut-off . Reindeer Lane

17 - BOB Party #2

18 - AR Party (Hot Dogs)

19 - Minimum Day before Winter Break 1:15

December 23 - January 3 WINTER BREAK - NO SCHOOL


6 - Return to school

10 - Progress Reports available

16 - PTA Coffee and Donuts with the Principal 8:15 in the MPR

20 - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day

31 - NO SCHOOL Staff Development Day


Other Resources


Class Code: lqerpgy


Quizlet Vocabulary Links

Math Resources

Go Math!

Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books (B.O.B) is a voluntary reading incentive program that students can participate in. Students will be asked to read from a selection of books. The goal is to motivate and encourage students to read, while having fun competing with their peers.

Please visit the Etiwanda School District Library page for a full listing of the
 BOB books for 4th grade for this coming school year. 

Stack of books.