Perdew Elementary School Logo

Loren Thomas

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello!  My name is Mrs. Thomas and I am going to be your child's Kindergarten teacher for the 2024-2025 school year!

About Me

 I have worked for the Etiwanda School District for 17 years. I have been fortunate to have worked in Kindergarten for 16 of those years! I absolutely love working with this age group. Every day is a new adventure! I received both my bachelor's degree in liberal studies and my teaching credential at the University of LaVerne. I was born in New Jersey and moved to California in 2020. I have 2 children and have been married to my husband for 23 years! I have a yorkie named Vader (my family loves Star Wars) who is the cutest little thing ever. I love spending time with my family on the weekends. Disneyland has always been a special place for us. My favorite Disney characters are Rapunzel and Tinker Bell!

My Favorites

Color: pink

Fast food: In N Out, Jersey Mike's

Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper, Starbucks

Stores: TJMaxx, Home Goods, Target, Nordstrom Rack

Contact Information

  • Rooms (primary means of communication)

  • District email:

Black Communication Folders

Please have your child bring their black communication folder to school daily. These will be going home the first day of school. This is used to send home student work and important information. Please check your student's folder daily and remove all papers. Thank you!

Lunch and Snack

Free lunch is available to each student daily. Please talk to your student prior to going to school each morning about whether they are getting a school lunch or bringing a lunch from home. I have to take a lunch count daily so your child will have to tell me their choice in the morning.

If they are bringing a lunch from home, please label it with their name and room number (C6). Please pack their snack separately and label it with their name and room number. This is going to be a little tricky in the beginning so please be patient. Below is the link where you can access monthly elementary lunch menus.

Monthly Elementary Lunch Menu

Upcoming Events


8/5 First Day of School!

School Hours

Monday 8:15 am-1:15 pm

Tuesday-Friday 8:15am -2:45 pm

Drop off/Pick up

I have attached the Drop Off/Pick Up map below. If your student has an older sibling(s) and you would like for them to walk out together, their older sibling will have to pick them up at my Kindergarten dismissal gate. I cannot release my students to walk independently to another location. They must be picked up.

Drop Off/Pick Up Map


We attend library every Wednesday so please have your child bring back their library book on this day when we start checking books out. Thank you!

PE-Physical Eduction

Our class has PE every Monday Tuesday (First week will be on Wednesday). Please make sure your student wears appropriate clothing, shoes and brings a water bottle.

Social Emotional Learning

Our class participates Social Emotional Learning lessons weekly.

Back to School Night Presentation

Coming soon......