character with confetti and welcome banner

Mrs. Vargas

My name is Mrs. Vargas and I am thrilled to be your scholar's fourth grade teacher!  I graduated in 2001 with a degree in Communications, received my Teaching Credential in 2019, and have my Masters in Teaching and Learning. I have been working with students for most of my career. I know we have a wonderful year ahead of us, full of learning, laughter, and growth. I am passionate about Math and Social Emotional Learning, and I will do my best to make every day the best it can be. I can’t wait to get to know you and your scholar this school year!


Click here to order books from Scholastic Book. Use class code:  VYPKF

Upcoming Events

Family Conferences: Click here to access the Signup Genius site.

Want to Volunteer? Click here to sign up on the Signup Genius site.

Every Monday is a Minimum Day with 1:15 PM dismissal.

PE is usually every Monday/Thursday. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and do not forget your water.

Library is on Friday.

Spirit Day is every Friday. Wear your Timberwolf Shirt or Navy/Gray.

Homework Assignments

Please make sure you check your child's homework sheet first! Assignments can change.

Other Resources

Click  here for helpful resources to sign on to all the Etiwanda resources like Connect Ed, iReady and more. 

Supplies Wishlist

Please click the following link for our class:

 Mrs. Vargas Class Amazon Wish List

Here are a few items we always need and appreciate in the classroom. Thanks!


Black Expo Markers

HP Ink Jet #61 black and color

#2 pencils


Whiteboard erasers

Card stock

Stamp pads/ink

Wide Rule Spiral Notebooks

Wide Rule Composition Notebooks

Boxes of Tissues

The purchase of any items is voluntary. Amazon wishlist donation items are for the entire class. Our school provides all of the materials and supplies a child needs for instruction; however, donations in any quantity are always appreciated.