Ms. Corona's Third Grade Class

ms corona in the desert

About Me

My name is Ms. Corona and I am so excited to be your Third Grade teacher! We are going to learn so much this year! I know it is going to be a wonderful year. I am so happy to have each and every one of you in my class!

I received my bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies from the University of California, Riverside. The following year, I received my master's in Education and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from the University of California, Riverside. I grew up in the area and attended Etiwanda School District. I always knew this was the district where I wanted to teach. This will be my seventh year teaching third grade. I love teaching and am looking forward to the year full of growth, learning, and fun.

When I am not in the classroom, you can find me in Target or at home with my puppy Diego. In my spare time, I love reading, watching The Office, and getting lost in nature.

My teaching philosophy - when a student steps into the classroom, they are stepping into an environment where they feel supported by their teacher and peers; where they feel comfortable to make mistakes and learn from them. When a teacher provides a safe environment, supports each student, and genuinely cares about their success, then the possibilities are endless. When my students leave my classroom at the end of the year, I want them to walk out with a passion for learning and the knowledge that they grew.


Rooms is the best way to contact me!



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Upcoming Events

  • Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25 - 29

Homework Assignments

Homework Schedule

PRS Quizlets

Each week, we study a specific prefix, suffix, or root. On Friday, students are quizzed through Google Classroom on the 10 PRS words for the week. Students are expected to know each word, the words' meanings, and how to use each word in a sentence. You can practice your PRS for the week using these Quizlet links! This week, we are studying "16. Frail, Fract, Frag". 

1.Mis-  = bad, or badly wrong   
2.Pre-  = before, or in advance 
3.Re-  = again, back, or backwards 
4. Hyper- = over, beyond, high
5. -able = in a position to do something 
6. -less  = without 
7. retro-, an-, anti-  = backward, back, against, opposite 
8. ab-  = away from 
9. Contra/Counter = against, opposite 
10. Jur/Jud/Jus = law, justice
11.ben/bene/bon- = good, well
12. mal/male = bad 
13. Bio = life
14. Vit/Viv = alive, life 
15. flect/flex = to bend 
16. Frail/Fract = fragile, break, shatter 
17. Junct/Join/Jug = to join, meet, or link 
18. Naut/Naus/Nav = relating to the sea, ships, or travelers 
19. -Ness = the state of being (the adjective), the quality of being (the adjective), the measure of being (the adjective)
20. -Grad/Gress- = To step
21. -Less = to be without 
22. Micro- = small
23. Mega/Megal/Megalo = large, great 
24. Ab- = away from 
25. Ad- = toward, to 
26. Il-, Im-, In-, and Ir- = not 
27. Pro- = to be for, approving, in favor of, positive 
28. -Ish= the ability to 

Reading Resources

Tumble Book Library
Tumble Books
Login with your Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Card

Storyline Online
Storyline Online

Capstone Interactive

Children's Books Forever!
Children's Books Forever


Mighty Books

Additional Resources
Reading Website List
Text Level Indicators
Etiwanda School District Library Services

Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books (B.O.B) is a voluntary reading incentive program that students can participate in. Students will be asked to read from a selection of books. The goal is to motivate and encourage students to read, while having fun competing with their peers.

Please visit the Etiwanda School District Library page for a full listing of the
 BOB books for 3rd Grade for this coming school year. 

Supplies List/Wish List

Classroom Wishlist

  • Any gently loved books to add to the class library (AR and B.O.B. books are a plus!)

  • Printer Paper (white)

  • Card Stock (white)

  • Staple Refills

  • Scotch Tape Refills

  • Ziploc Storage Bags (all sizes)

  • Baby Wipes

  • Packs of Loose Leaf Paper

  • Paper Towels

  • Boxes of Tissues

  • Expo Markers