Mrs. Allen


Michelle Allen

1st Grade


My name is Michelle Allen and I am so excited about this coming year in 1st grade! 
 I have a B.A. in Liberal Studies and a Master of Arts Degree in Education.  
I am also a Reading Specialist.
I am happily married to Mr. Allen and we have two daughters,
Isabella & Charley.  Isabella recently graduated college and will be substituting for the Etiwanda School District and Charley will be a Senior at Rancho Cucamonga High School!
I fully enjoy shopping, traveling and spending time with my family! 


  • Gift cards for Amazon, Target, and Macy's

  • Chick-fil-A and In -n - Out are some of my favorite fast food places

  • Coffee Bean (Vanilla Iced Blended with whipped cream)

  • Dr. Pepper with Cream soda

    At Terra Vista School:
    I have the right to learn.
    I want to learn.
    My teacher wants me to learn.
    I will do my best!
    We will learn together!


Literature Week

AR / iReady Challenge

Nightly Reading

  • 20 minutes nightly reading

Language Arts Practice

  • Read the story on the weekly cover sheet and respond to the comprehension question.

  • Practice reading the High Frequency Words.

Math Practice

  • Complete math practice pages.

Classroom Procedures


  • Be Respectful

  • Be Responsible

  • Be Safe

  • Attendance & Tardies
    When your child is absent, please call the Absence Hotline @ (909) 803-3010 and report your child's absence. Missed classwork and homework is expected to be made up and is due one week from the day of absence. Please try to have your child attend school every day possible as long as your child is healthy. If your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school.

    I do expect your child to be on time everyday. School starts promptly at 8:10 am. Once the second bell rings at 8:15 am, all the gates will be locked and your child must enter school through the office. They will receive a Tardy Note from the office and then be sent to class. Unexcused absences, tardies, and leaving school early will be recorded on your child's attendance record. Excessive absences will be reported to the attendance administrator. Our instructional time is very valuable; please help make every minute count. 

  • Snack
    Growing bodies need a good breakfast and a healthy snack. Some healthy options for snack include fruit, nuts, veggies, cheese sticks, yogurt, granola bars, and crackers. Please do not send candy, cookies, chips, or other junk food for snack. 

  • Lunch Information for the 2024 - 2025 School Year:

    As a partner in education, the Etiwanda School District Child Nutrition Department participates in the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program.  Meals served to students meet or exceed all USDA nutrition standards. 

Healthy breakfasts and lunches are available every school day to TK - 8th grade students attending Etiwanda School District classes.  Milk and water are available a la carte at a cash cost of fifty cents. 

Meals are free of charge to all ESD students under the California Universal Meals Program.

*Please note that lunch menus will no longer be distributed at school. They are now available on the district's website. 

Throughout the year we MAY celebrate holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's, etc. If you have any objections or concerns please let me know.

Birthday Celebrations: Wellness Policy

Birthday Policy

In support of our district wide wellness policy and in order to maximize instructional time, we will not be accepting food treats for a student birthday celebration. Please see letter attached.

PBIS Store dates:

iReady Lessons (Reading & Math) Using Clever, students can log on to their i-Ready account in reading and math and sustain their growth over the school year.

Math Resources

Think Central

Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Orders

Class code is 

School Supplies for 2024-2025

Your donation is voluntary, and no student will be
denied participation if donation is not made.

Black Dry Erase Markers
24 Pack of Crayons

Colored Pencils

#2 Pencils

Glue sticks

White Cardstock Paper

Sandwich and Gallon Bags

HP 67 or 67xl Ink (Black and color)

Paper Towels