welcome to first grade

Mrs. Jane Englehardt

My name is Jane Englehardt and I am thrilled to be teaching first grade! I graduated from the University of California, Riverside and earned my teaching credential from Cal State, San Bernardino. I have been a part of the Terra Vista family for many years. I have previously taught 3rd and 4th grade. 

My husband and I live locally in Rancho Cucamonga. This is where we raised our two children. Our son, Eric, is a firefighter/paramedic with Chino Valley Independent Fire District. He is married to Danay and they have three beautiful children!! Our daughter, Rachel is a fitness instructor and her husband Luke is a PE teacher. My husband has worked for Boeing in El Segundo for many years. He works in satellite manufacturing/quality control.

In our spare time, we love spending time together at the beach, riding bikes, or walking our dogs. 

I absolutely love teaching and I am truly thankful that I get to spend everyday with a wonderful group of students. 


Gift cards for Amazon/Target/Wal-Mart
In-n-Out is my favorite fast food restaurant

Yard House is my favorite restaurant
I love Starbucks in the morning! (Venti iced coffee w/cream, no sweetener). I love a large diet Coke with extra ice in the afternoon!

School supplies and Treasure Box items are always needed...and appreciated. Dollar Tree is my go-to place for these items.


  • Breakfast is served everyday from 7:45- 8:05; free of charge.

  • School begins each day at 8:15.

  • We will meet on the playground at the J6 sign!

Upcoming Events

  • Every Monday is a Minimum Day - Dismissal @ 1:15pm

  • Tuesday-Friday - Dismissal @ 2:45pm

  • PE is every Tuesday & Thursday

  • Library is every Thursday


Homework is in weekly packets that go home every Friday and are due the following Friday.

Nightly Reading

  • 20 minutes nightly reading

Language Arts Practice

  • Read the story on the weekly cover sheet and respond with a complete sentence to the comprehension question for the day.

  • Practice reading the High Frequency Words.

  • Study the spelling pattern for the week.

  • Study and apply the vocabulary words for the week.


  • Complete the attached math pages.


Parent/Teacher/Family Conferences will be held Monday, September 25-Friday, September 29. Use the link to sign up. Signup-Genius