Mrs. Tyler

Mrs. Tyler

Hello and welcome!

My name is Mrs. Tyler and I am so excited to be your 3rd grade teacher this year! I have my degree in Elementary Education from Grand Canyon University. I also have 3 children who have went through the Etiwanda School District. I love this district because they strive for excellence in education. I previously worked in Claremont as an aide for Special Education. I have a passion for helping all students learn in their own unique ways. This is my third year at Terra Vista, and I want our classroom community to be a positive space for everyone to learn and grown together.


Mrs. Tyler


Mondays- Minimum days, student dismissal is 1: 15 pm.

P.E. Every Tuesday and Thursday 9:25-10:15 (please label all water bottles and bring a healthy snack)

Library- Every Tuesday 10:30-11

Terra Vista Spirit Day- Every Friday! Show your school spirit by wearing your Timberwolf gear, navy, or grey.

Free breakfast and lunch offered daily to all Timberwolves!

Make sure to connect with me on the Rooms App or email me at


The following items are recommended: Your donation is voluntary, and no student will be denied participation if donation is not made.

-ink (HP 61) black and color
-Amazon or Target gift cards to purchase classroom supplies

-White or colored cardstock
-white board markers
-colored pencils
-wide ruled lined paper
-baby wipes
-printer paper
-small prizes for prize box
-packaged snacks for student store (ex: goldfish, fruit snacks)

Upcoming Events

Aug. 5th: First Day of School

Aug. 5-23: iReady Diagnostic

Aug. 08: Back to School Night

Aug. 21st: Picture Day

Aug. 31st: Mrs. Pollock's Birthday

Sep. 23rd- Sep.27th: Parent Conference Week

Oct. 25th: End of Trimester

Mar. 08: BOB Competition


Homework will be sent home in students Daily Folder to be filled out daily.