Miss Barry smiling by a tree

Cathleen Barry

A little about me, I am a Speech Language Pathologist at West Heritage Elementary School. This is my seventh year as a Speech Therapist and my fifth year at West Heritage. In 2020 I moved into my first home and adopted two adorable rescue dogs named Missy and Lucy. I am enjoying all of the challenges that come with being a home owner and dog mom!

On this site, you will find the monthly calendars that include short activities related to specific content areas (speech sounds, language fluency etc.) that can be completed at home to practice speech skills. There is also a tab with information and parent resources in case you are looking for more information on what your child is working on in speech. Included is a tab for additional activities and other websites that have optional activities to complete at home to promote speech and language skills. Please contact me if you have any questions.

The Etiwanda School District provides live interactive virtual instruction through the Virtual Learning Model. Please note that during virtual sessions there is no expectation of privacy. Students and anything in their background will be in view of the class.


Announcement 1

Announcement 2

Upcoming Events

Event 1

Event 2

Homework Assignments

Parent Resources and Information

Monthly Speech Calendars

Click on the month below to access a folder with calendars to work on speech and language skills. These calendars have quick, 5 minute activities that you can complete with your child every day. If you aren't sure which calendar to work on or which sounds your child is working on, contact me and I will be happy to help you out! :)
-Ms. Barry





Contact Me

You can send me a message here if you need to get in touch with me! Join my remind classroom to stay up to date on what is going on in Speech!