Advisory Committees

School Site Council

What is the West Heritage Elementary School Site Council?

Every school in the Etiwanda School District is required to have a school site council (SSC) as required by California Education Code. The school site council (SSC) is composed of the principal; teacher representatives elected by teachers at the school; other school personnel elected by peers at the school; and, parents of students attending the school elected by such parents. Classroom teachers are required to compose the majority of persons represented under the requirement for staff members serving on SSC. The SSC has regular meetings (see schedule) which are open to the public.

The purpose of SSC is to oversee development of a Single Plan for Student Achievement for the school site. The SSC then monitors and evaluates the plan and makes recommendations for necessary changes. The school budget to implement the plan is provided by state and federal funds, and compliance of proper funding allocations is reviewed by the SSC. The SSC recommends the approved Single Plan for Student Achievement to the governing Board of Trustees for approval annually.

West Heritage School Site Council

Meeting Dates & Agendas

2022 - 2023 West Heritage Elementary School Site Council dates:

September 1, 2022 @ 3:30pm
Virtual Zoom Session

December 8, 2022 @ 3:30pm
Virtual Zoom Session

February 2, 2023 @ 3:30pm
Virtual Zoom Session

April 13, 2023 @ 3:30pm
Virtual Zoom Session

Current Single Plan for School Improvement (SPSA):

School Site Council Reps:



Carrie Seeker

Shushan Yang

Omar Fathy

Sherry Ramirez

Lei Sheng


Catherine Vittorio, Principal

Mika Grace, Teacher

Debora DeCosta, Teacher

Veronica Navarro, Teacher

Lettie Badal, Librarian

What is the English Learner Advisory Committee?

DAC/ELAC Advisory Representative: Patricia Gross

The purpose of this committee is to provide opportunities for parents to give advice and assist the school in the decision-making process concerning programs for Limited English Proficient students. The work of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is to: (1) Consult parents regarding programs for, and services to, English Learners; (2) Advise the School Site Council on the Development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement; (3) Advice the school on the annual Language Census (R-30); and (4) Help make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

The ELAC is comprised of parents of children who are English Learners and who attend West Heritage Elementary School, the principal, and teachers and staff who serve EL students.

Per the bylaws, the ELAC may meet to delegate its responsibilities to an existing School Site Council for up to two years.  In 2020, after elections and nominations are held, the ELAC will meet to determine if it is appropriate to delegate its responsibilities to the School Site Council for another two years or not.

For more information, please email the principal.

LCAP Advisory:

Sheila Mason

African American Parent Educator Advisory Committee Representatives:

Ja’nae Robertson (Rep)

LaQuita Hurns (Alternate)