Let's take a moment to recognize Niki Kelly, Jessy Lara, and Tyler Kuramata for all the hard work this administrative team puts into keeping Summit Intermediate running like a well-oiled machine! Their tireless efforts and dedication make Summit such an amazing learning environment for their students.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Thank you Jessy Lara, Niki Kelley, Tyler Kuramata Summit Intermediate Image: Three Adults standing in front of Summit Intermediate
Happy School Administration Week, Dr. Kelly Wilbert and Twyla Bowman! We appreciate all the hard work, leadership, and dedication you have shown throughout this school year at Falcon Ridge Elementary. 
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Dr. Kelly Wilbert - Principal and Twyla Bowman - Assistant Principal Images: Two women wearing blue aprons
Attendance is a key factor in academic success! Strive for 5 or fewer absences, be on time every day, and attend school all day.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Attend today, achieve tomorrow! Strive for 5 Image Graduate
Happy School Administration Week to Nick Zajicek, Amy Tarasi, and Jordyn Vander Laan from Day Creek Intermediate. We are grateful for all your hard work and dedication as school administrators! Thank you for your unwavering commitment to ensuring that your students have the best learning experience possible! Together, you all make your school a wonderful place!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you, Amy Tarasi, Nick Zajicek, Jordyn Vandre Laan Image: Three adults standing in front of DCIS
Get those running shoes on and come outside for a fun run on Saturday, November 4, 2023. The E3 Foundation is hosting their 18th annual 2K/5K run, and this year our mascots are getting in on the fun. Make sure you register for this event by October 18, 2023, to ensure you receive a shirt. You can register on the district website or by visiting e3funrun.racewire.com.  #wellnesswednesday
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Are you Running the E3 18th Annual Run Image: Running Shoes
Happy School Administration Week to all of our incredible school administrators! A special shoutout to Michele Jacks, Extended Day/Child Care Coordinator, for always going above and beyond for our Etiwanda students. You make a big difference for the entire staff and students, and we appreciate the dedication you bring every day.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Michele Jacks - Extended Day/Child Care Coordinator
We want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate School Administration Week by thanking Josh Lautenslager and Amanda Brady from Windrows Elementary! From facilitating day-to-day operations to keeping your school running smoothly, you both play an essential role in making Windrows a great place for learning.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Josh Lautenslager and Amanda Brady Image: Two adults standing in front of Windrows Elementrary School
Happy School Administration Week to Kelly Bray and Dr. Rayna Prothro from Perdew Elementary! We appreciate all of the hard work, dedication, and commitment you put in to make your school a great place to learn and grow. Thank you for everything you do.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Kelly Bray - Principal, Dr. Rayna Prothro - Assistant Principal Images: Two women standing in front of a door.
Happy School Administration Week to Kim Porter, Kala Buck, and Ryan Lewis from Etiwanda Intermediate. From making sure the teachers and students have the resources they need to coordinating extra-curricular activities and school events, we know you all work so hard to make your school the best it can be!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Kala Buck - Assistant Principal, Kim Porter - Principal Ryan Lewis - Assistant Principals Images: Three adults standing in front a Wildcat
Happy School Administration Week to Georgia Wayne and James Cobb from Carleton P. Lightfoot Elementary. We’re celebrating all the amazing work that you do day-in and day-out to keep your school running and help your students succeed. You both have a big impact on our students’ success, and for that, we thank you!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Georgia Way and James Cobb Principal and Assistant Principals. Images: Female and Male and a CPL logo
Perdew Elementary is honoring their custodian, Mr. Valdez, for everything he does for their students and staff. Mr. Valdez is a new Perdew staff member, but his contributions to the school community have made an enormous impact. The Perdew staff and students are grateful for the hard work and positive attitude he brings every day. Mr. Valdez is always willing to help in any way he can. Thank you, Mr. V, for all that you do.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank you Image: Employee standing in front of stage
For School Administration Appreciation Week, let's give a big thank you to the amazing Dr. Kelly Davids. Your dedication to education is an inspiration to us all!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Dr. Kelly Davids  School Administrator Appreciation Week Image: women standing in front of building
It's School Administrator Appreciation Week! Give a big shout out to Catherine Vittorio & Dr. RaShawn Voglezon for leading by example & paving the way for a brighter future for our students.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Catherine Vittorio and Dr. RaShawn Voglezon School Administrator Appreciation Week Image: West Heritage Logo and Image of two adults
It's School Administrator Appreciation Week—time to recognize Jonathan Carson, Patricia Johnson, and Greg Noyes for their tireless dedication to their students' education. Give them a shout-out and celebrate their hard work!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Jonathan Carson, Patricia Johnson, and Greg Noyes School Administrator Appreciation Week Thank you  Images: Three adults
Happy School Administrator Appreciation Week! We appreciate Kristen Ashton and Sylvia Gonzales for their hard work and dedication in helping create a friendly, engaging learning environment for their students. East Heritage explorers are lucky to have them as their principals. 
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Kristen Ashton-Principal, Sylvia Gonzales - Assistant Principal Thank you! Image: Two women standing in front of a sign
Celebrate School Admin Appreciation Week! A huge shout out to Dino Tavolazzi and Pam Parker, two amazing school administrators who always go the extra mile! Caryn Elementary' s students, staff, and families are lucky to have you both.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Thank You, Dino Tavolazzi, Principal, Pam Parker - Assistant Principal Image: Two adults standing in front of a cougar.
This week we celebrate our school administrators. We are grateful for all the hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm our school administrators put into their schools every single day. They do so much to help our students succeed, and it doesn't go unnoticed! Show your appreciation in any way you can—a handwritten note, their favorite snack, even just a "thank you"—and let them know you recognize their effort!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Etiwanda School District Celebrates Week of the School Administrator October 9-13, 2023 Thank you Etiwanda Image: Blackboard
Bobbi Patterson, a success coach at West Heritage Elementary, is receiving a high five today. Bobbi has made over 300 book bags available to students to take home and read with their families. Students can swap out books all year and keep them as long as they want. Every day, she goes above and beyond for her students.
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: High Five Friday, West Heritage Elementary School Image: Teacher holding books
Ms. Jourdain and her students identify, describe and create shape attributes. Way to go Eagles!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: High Five Friday, West Heritage Elementary Image: Student and teachers
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, TK students at West Heritage Elementary made art in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat. How awesome and creative!
over 1 year ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: West Heritage Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month Image: Students holding up drawings