What is the Coyote Academy class?
The Coyote Academy class is an instructional support class designed to serve students who have need of additional support to access grade-level concepts/skills and address learning loss due to the reduced instructional minutes that students are receiving during virtual learning.
How were students placed in a Coyote Academy class?
Students were scheduled in a Coyote Academy class based on data collected from the most recent iReady diagnostic scores and state assessments.
What will my child do in the Coyote Academy class?
Students in a Coyote Academy class complete differentiated assignments that are designed to help them access the current classroom curriculum. Examples may include a combination of the following:
Reteaching content from daily or prior lessons for mastery.
Targeted skill-based instruction in identified areas of need (e.g., prerequisite skills needed for current lessons).
Intensive instruction in math or literacy (e.g., Language Live, iLit).
What do the other students do who are not in a Coyote Academy class?
Students who are not enrolled in a Coyote Academy class are provided with appropriate and meaningful supplemental independent learning activities. Examples may include a combination of the following:
Independent reading with AR quizzes and/or reading logs.
IXL lessons to maintain or enrich grade-level skills.
Performance tasks that require higher-order thinking skills.
Long term projects or research.