
Mrs. Napoli, SLP

2nd - 5th grade

Hello Parents & Students, 

I have had the privilege of working at David W. Long Elementary School since 1999.  I feel blessed to help students find their voice, build their confidence, and improve their overall communication skills.


I.E.P. Meetings
Each child in speech has an Individualized Education Program.  We will meet at least once a year to review your child's IEP, discuss progress, and develop new goals for your child as a team. You are a very important part of the IEP team.  Your input during these meetings is highly valuable. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress or I.E.P., please contact me through email.


Speech Sessions
I am located on the West side of campus. You'll find me right across from the TK/Clouds playground. Students are seen based upon the frequency & duration noted in their IEP.   Students will participate in a positive environment while improving their communication skills.

Upcoming Events

1/20/2025 - MLK holiday, no school

1/22/2025 - Mountain Mike Pizza Fundraiser

1/24/2025 - Disney Dress up day

1/27/2025 - Kindness Week

1/31/2025 - Non Student Day

2/12 - Spring Picture Day

2/14, 2/17 - No school, President's weekend

March 20 - Open House

March 24-28 - Spring Break

4/4 - Donuts with Grown Ups

4/14-4/25 - One School, One Book

5/22 - Last day of school, minimum day

Homework Assignments

Your student may receive communication practice sheets through the month.     Speech students receive credit for practicing their homework and receive stamps towards prizes and treats.

Speech and language homework usually only requires oral practice or answering questions in a conversational manner; it should not take up too much of your time.  Please contact me if you are having trouble completing speech homework; I will work with you to make practice more convenient and effective.

Parent Tools

For Articulation...
Speech Sound Names
Articulation Cueing
Levels of Difficulty
Articulation Carryover

For Fluency...
Fluency Strategies
Stuttering Tips
Stuttering Awareness

For Social Communication...
Pragmatic Language Disorders
Topic Maintenance

For Vocabulary Building...
10 Ways to Build Vocabulary
Core Vocabulary
The Power of Books
10 Word Games

For Language Skills...

Language Disorders
Hierarchy of Language Skills
Language Carryover
Describing Objects Caterpillar Visual

For Behavior...
Your Words Matter Checklist

Word Lists for Articulation Practice

The following word lists can be utilized with your student's articulation calendar and additional optional articulation practice. 

Click on your target sound for an optional practice word list: 

Speech Program Donations

Parents and guardians sometimes ask how they can support the DWL speech program. The following items are always helpful. :)

Small prizes or individually wrapped treats.


Glue Sticks

Colored pencils




Student Projects and Activities 

Super Team