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Marybeth Leak

Hi! Welcome to 4th Grade! I am very excited to get to know your child, as well as looking forward to having a great year!  Fourth grade is a year full of exciting learning experiences.  I love the curriculum and love sharing it with the students. It is my goal that we will grow together and create a classroom full of caring students who take pride in themselves and their accomplishments.  I can't wait to see what this year brings!

This site will contain information for what skills we are learning in class, upcoming events, homework and upcoming tests, and spelling and vocabulary words.  It will be a way of me communicating with you about our 4th grade community.  If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 


Thank you for attending Back to School Night! It was so nice to meet you, and I look forward to a great year with you and your child!

If you were unable to attend Back to School Night, here is a link for the slideshow I presented.

Click here for the Back to School Night Slideshow

January 20 - No School

January 21 - Dine out Night - The Habit

January 24 - Dress like a Cowboy/Cowgirl Day

January 31 - No School

Upcoming Events

January 29 - Social Studies Test

January 30 - Ch. 8 Math Test

February 5 - Vocab and Comp Test

February 5 - Spelling Test

Homework Assignments

Homework for the Week of January 27 - 31

Spelling Words -

Week of January 29 - February 5

  1. fishbowl

  2. snowstorm

  3. bedroom

  4. waterproof

  5. desktop

  6. bedspread

  7. lookout

  8. clothesline

  9. campfire

  10. grandparent

  11. blindfold

  12. loudspeaker

  13. yourself

  14. undertake

  15. yardstick

  16. overhead

  17. railroad

  18. bookcase

  19. newborn

  20. overdo

Vocabulary Words -

Week of January 29 - February 5

  1. agriculture - science of raising crops and farm animals

  2. advancements - improvements that move an idea ahead

  3. characteristics- qualities that help to identify a person or thing

  4. concern - worried about something

  5. disagreed- a different opinion

  6. inherit - receive from a parent

  7. prevalent- commonly accepted or used

  8. resistance - act of fighting against or overcoming something

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