Who do you suppose this cheerful fisherman is? Can you tell it's Mr. Beitler from Grapeland Elementary by his smile? #throwbackthursday

We hope you enjoyed your break. School resumes Monday, January 3, 2022.

We'd like to give Grapeland Elementary's families a virtual high five. Throughout the week leading up to Winter Break, they took part in a food drive for Mercy House in Ontario. They collected 1,386 pounds of food! Mercy House is a non-profit organization that assists homeless people and families in need.

Who can guess this #throwbackthursday? Did anyone guess Mrs. Marino from Golden Elementary? I'm guessing she is about the same age in this photo as the students are in her clsas.

Who can guess this #throwbackthursday? Did anyone guess Mrs. Marino from Golden Elementary? I'm guessing she is about the same age in this photo as the students are in her class.

Free COVID-19 testing will be held at the Etiwanda School District December 27-29 from 7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no need to make an appointment or register ahead of time. Staff, students, and family members are welcome!

Isn't this #throwbackthursday adorable? Do you recognize Miss Cobb here, Falcon Ridge Foxes? With her school supplies in hand, you can tell she was already planning on becoming a teacher.

My favorite childhood meal is macaroni with hot dogs because whenever I was hungry my mom and grandma would make it for me.
- Bryant from Heritage Intermediate

Winter break will be December 20 - 31, 2021. We will resume classes on Monday, January 3, 2022. Enjoy break!

At the board meeting last night, we announced the winners of the Handwashing Poster Contest. Many talented Etiwanda students created posters for the competition. The winners' posters will be posted in the coming weeks.

Day Creek Intermediate's campus support deserves a virtual high five! Thank you so much for everything you do for the students! We're sure they appreciate you as much as we do.

Today, students and families at West Heritage Elementary are getting a virtual high five. They took part in the Isaac Strong Foundation Toy Drive this season. Their kindness and generosity overflows, as you can see.

The Maldonado family is giving Mr. Hall, the Golden Elementary crossing guard, a virtual high five. Mr. Hall always greets families with a smile and waves to passing cars. We share the Maldonado family's view. When we see him, it makes our day a little brighter.

Ms. Clark of Etiwanda Colony receives a virtual high five for making learning a magical experience. Her TK students were participating in a Nutcracker Taste Test, where they sampled foods and beverages from around the world that matched to the dances in The Nutcracker Ballet!

Today, Lightfoot Elementary's Campus Support gets a virtual high five. Campus Support is appreciated by everyone at CPL for all that it does for the staff and students.

Wanda bundled up and embarked on a journey through New Hampshire's ice castles. Hundreds of thousands of icicles are hand-placed and transformed into winter wonderland scenes. To take a tour of this amazingly cold sight, click the link below.

It's time to nominate someone for a virtual high five once more. This week, who do you believe deserves a high five from the Etiwanda community? By Friday at 9 a.m., please send your submissions to dosocialmedia@etiwanda.org.

This is a great #throwbackthrusday for you. Who can figure out who this happy third-grader is? I'm curious if any Etiwanda Wildcats recognize their PE teacher, Mrs. Oliver.

This is a great #throwbackthursday for you. Who can figure out who this happy third-grader is? I'm curious if any Etiwanda Wildcats recognize their PE teacher, Mrs. Oliver.

COVID-19 Testing will be held at the Etiwanda School District on December 20-21 and December 27-29 from 7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no need to make an appointment or register ahead of time.