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Etiwanda School District Board Policy & Administrative Regulations

English Learner Advisory Committee

What is the Windrows Elementary English Learner Advisory Committee?

The purposes of this of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is to provide opportunities for parents to advise and assist the school in the decision-making process concerning programs for English Learners (EL) students.  The work of the ELAC is to collect input regarding programs and services for English Learner students, advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement, and help make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

For more information, please email the principal.

Meeting Dates & Agendas 2024/2024

Meetings are held from 3:00 - 4:00 PM

October 10, 2024

CLICK HERE for Agenda

CLICK HERE for Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2024

CLICK HERE for Agenda

CLICK HERE for Meeting Minutes (will be linked after the 1/30 meeting when they are approved.)

January 30, 2025

CLICK HERE for Agenda

CLICK HERE for Meeting Minutes (will be linked after the 4/24 meeting when they are approved.)

April 24, 2025

CLICK HERE for Agenda

CLICK HERE for Meeting Minutes (will be linked after the Fall 2025 meeting when they are approved.)

DELAC Meeting Dates, Times, Locations

All four meetings are held from 3:00-5:00pm in the 2nd Floor Conference Room a the District Office. The four meeting dates are: 11/19/2024, 1/21/2025, 2/18/2025, 4/22/2025. The Windrows DELAC representative is: Erminia Llesenia Beltran.

ELAC Members

Member Name


Term Expiration

Erminia Llesenia Beltran (President & DELAC Rep)



Natalie Castillo (Vice President)



Berenice Garcia (Secretary)



Tera deFalkenberg



Jonathan Carson


Permanent NA

ELAC Bylaws



The purposes of this of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) shall be to provide opportunities for parents to advise and assist the school in the decision-making process concerning programs for English Learners (EL) students.  The work of the ELAC is to:

  1. Collect input regarding programs and services for English Learner students.

  2. Advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.

  3. Help make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.



Section 1: Composition of Committee

To ensure parity, the ELAC shall be comprised of 5 members.  Parents should make-up the majority of the ELAC members (minimum 3).

The ELAC may be composed from the following categories:

  1. Parents of students who are English Learners at the school.  The ELAC committee member make-up should reflect the demographics of the student body.  A minimum of 10%, or at least one, of the ELAC committee members shall be parent(s) of EL students

  2. Parents of non-English Learner students

  3. Teachers and classified staff from the school.

  4. School Administrator

The ELAC may meet to delegate its responsibilities to an existing School Site Council for up to two years.

Section 2: Terms of Membership

All Committee Officers shall serve a one-year term.

Section 3: Advisory Rights

Each committee member shall be entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on each matter submitted to the committee for a vote.  A motion will pass with a simple majority (51%) of English Learner committee parent members present at the meeting.

Section 4: Termination of Membership

An ELAC member shall no longer hold membership should he or she cease to meet the membership requirements under which he/she was eligible.  A member’s absence from three consecutive regular meetings may be grounds for removal from ELAC by affirmative vote of a simple majority.

Section 5: Transfer of Membership

Membership in ELAC is not transferable, nor able to be assigned.

Section 6: Resignation

Any officer may resign by submitting a written resignation to the president.

Section 7: Vacancy

If an officer vacancy occurs, the committee will elect a new officer.



Section 1: Composition

The officers of the ELAC shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, the Representative to DELAC, and any other officer deemed necessary by the committee.  The president serves as the representative to DELAC.  The Vice-President serves as DELAC alternate.  Officers shall be elected by the committee on an annual basis and shall be members of the committee.

Section 2: Duties

The President shall preside at all meetings of the committee.  The President will set the meeting agendas in consultation with the Principal or his/her designee.  The President must be an English Language Learner parent with a child in attendance at the school. 

The Vice-President shall assist the president and shall perform the duties of the president in her/her absence.

The secretary shall keep a current record of all committee meetings, membership list, and calendar of meetings.

The representative to DELAC shall attend and represent the school site at all district level meetings and report to the ELAC regarding district meetings attended.  The DELAC alternate may substitute for the president when he/she is not able to do so. 



A minimum of four regular meetings shall be held during the school year. The date, time, and place shall be decided by the committee.  Notification of all regular and special meetings shall be duly publicized not less the 72 hours prior to the meeting.  All meetings shall be open to the public.



Subcommittees shall be appointed as required to promote the objectives of the advisory committee by a majority of members in attendance.  Subcommittees will meet as a needed.



ELAC meetings shall be conducted in a manner that allows everyone to be heard and make decisions without confusion.



These bylaws may be amended at any regular meetings of the committee by a simple majority of the English Language Learners parent members present.



The bylaws shall be in effect when adopted by a simple majority of the members present.