Operations and Facilities

Mike Higgins, Director of Operations and Facilities 


Due to COVID-19, indoor use of facilities is temporarily suspended until further notice.

Documents and Forms:

Use of Facilities Fees

Facilities Use - Application Form

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan


ETIWANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice Inviting Interested Contractors for the Informal Bid List

To see a list of current and past Operations and Facilities bids, please see the Purchasing page.

In accordance with the State of California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission (CUPCCA), the Etiwanda School District (“District”) is inviting all interested licensed contractors to submit their company for inclusion in the District’s Informal Bid List for the 2024 calendar year.

Companies must resubmit to be included on the list even if your company has submitted an application in prior years. Contractors that are interested in being on the Informal Bid List are required to have a current license and are subject to verification through the Contractors State License Board. If you or your company would like to be placed on the District’s Informal Bid List, please complete the District’s informal bidding questionnaire HERE

Additionally, pursuant to SB 854, no contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid for a public works project (submitted on or after March 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and no contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for a public works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the DIR per California Labor Code section 1725.5. http://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks.html

What is CUPCCA? – Click Here

Bid Prequalification Procedure

When required by law or the Board, the Superintendent or designee shall establish a uniform system for rating bidders on the basis of completed questionnaires and financial statements in order to determine the size of contracts on which each bidder is qualified to bid. For this purpose, the Superintendent or designee shall furnish prospective bidders a standardized proposal form which, when completed, shall indicate a bidder's statement of financial ability and experience in performing public works. The bidder's information shall be verified under oath in the manner in which civil law pleadings are verified. The questionnaires and financial statements shall not be public records and shall not be open to public inspection. (Code of Civil Procedure 446; Public Contract Code 20111.5, 20111.6)

For more information, see Board Policy AR-3311

Only the following categories need to prequalify to bid with Etiwanda School District





  • C-20 - HVAC

  • C-36 - PLUMBING


 If you are interested in becoming prequalified for future Etiwanda School District public projects, please visit http://www.etiwanda.org/prequal 

If there are any questions, please e-mail the Facilities Department.

Prevailing Wage Information

All workers employed on public works projects must be paid the prevailing wage determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, according to the type of work and location of the project.  As required by the California Labor Code, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing rates of wages in our local area.  Copies of these wage rate determinations are available at the Department of Industrial Relations website.

For information on Developer Fees or School Facilities Needs Analysis, please see the Fiscal Services page.

For information on Bond (Measure I), please see the Bond (Measure I) page.

For information on Insurance Coverages Matrix, please see the Insurance Coverage Matrix page.