Battle of the Books first Deadline is approaching. Please make sure to have read 5 books and tested on all of them by 10/10 at 2:30 pm. Way to go Wildcats!!
4 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
To succeed, aim for 5 or fewer absences this school year, arrive on time, and stay for the entire day! Every minute in class is a chance to learn, grow, and move closer to your goals. Let’s make each day matter!
4 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Strive for 5 or less absences, on time, all day, Etiwanda logo Image: teacher and students in classrooms
Attending school not only builds knowledge but also shapes character, creativity, and confidence. Every day in the classroom is a step closer to future dreams, new friendships, and personal growth. Let’s encourage our students to show up, stay curious, and keep learning—because education unlocks endless possibilities!
4 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Strive for 5 or less absences, on time, all day, Etiwanda logo Image: teacher and students in classrooms
Your voice is important! Help us shape our LCAP by sharing your feedback—it plays a crucial role in our decision-making process. The survey will be open during Family Conference Week.
4 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Etiwanda Families, We want to hear from you Image: iPad with Survey info on it
Monday, September 16th is a Minimum Day. Student Dismissal is 1:00pm.
4 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Min day
Just a reminder... There is no school this Monday, September 9, 2024. Enjoy your 3-day weekend Wildcats!
4 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
No School
Please visit your school site or the district office to review the Digital Literacy instructional materials. After reviewing the materials, kindly take a moment to provide your feedback. The material will be on display until September 20, 2024. Your opinion matters.
5 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Etiwanda School District Notice of Public Viewing
Non School days for EIS Students.
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
FOR 8TH GRADE STUDENTS ONLY. Celebrate your child using your own words and pictures for everyone to see!
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Choir is back. All grades are welcome to join. Please stop by the student window if your interested!
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Order your Spirit Wear! Specials starting this Friday.
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Spirit Wear
We're thrilled to announce our 19th Annual E3 Fun Run on Saturday, November 16, 2024! This year’s theme is all about school spirit. Get ready to represent by wearing your school's colors and racing with pride! Mark your calendars and join us for a day of fun, fitness, and community. Register now at
5 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: November 16, 2024 - 19th Annual E3 Fun Run - Register Today Image of a grape
Please save this for reference of all Etiwanda Intermediate's Minimum Days.
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
min days for 2024/2025
Today, Monday, August 19th is a Minimum Day. Student Dismissal is 1:00 pm.
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Minimum Day
Early Bird Pricing for Yearbooks. Don't miss out!
5 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Yearbook Flyer
August 5, 2024 is a minimum day. Student dismissal is 1:00 pm
6 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Today is a minimum day
First day of School is Monday, August 5, 2024. All students will need to have their Data Confirmations completed in order to have access to their class schedule which will be posted in Aeries on August 1, 2024 at 4:00pm. Also, incoming 7th graders will need the required immunization prior to the first day of school in order to attend. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you :)
6 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
First Day of School
EIS Office will be open starting July 22, 2024. Office hours are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. You can contact our office with any questions at 909.899.1701
6 months ago, Etiwanda Intermediate
Office Open
The Data Confirmation Window is currently open. To obtain your child's teacher assignment, parents need to complete the Data Confirmation process and review the Family-Student Handbook. Visit the district's website or go to Teacher assignments will be available using the link on the bottom of the district's homepage according to the following dates: - July 31st at 4:00 PM for Preschool and TK families - August 1st at 4:00 PM for Kindergarten - 8th grade families.
6 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Aeries Parent Portal Image
Battle of the Books lists for 2024-2025 are now available! View them on the Library Media Services website page:
7 months ago, Etiwanda School District
Text: Battle of the Books 2024-2025 Image: Speech Bubble