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Araceli Juarez

Welcome to Cecilia Lucero Solorio Elementary School.  It is “Home of the Tigers” and the place I’ve called “home” since the school opened in August 2000. My name is Araceli Juarez and I began my teaching career in L.A.U.S.D in 1996.  I earned my B.A. in child development and teaching credential from Cal State Univ., Los Angeles.  In 2006, I earned my Master’s Degree in Education with “honors” from National University.  This year, I plan on taking pride in being the best teacher for your child.  My goal is to help each of my students grow emotionally, socially, and academically.

          The success of your child’s first year of school will greatly depend on your support and cooperation.   You are your child’s “first teacher” therefore, I strongly recommend you do the following at home:

  • Set aside 15 minutes a day to read to your child or have your child read to you, daily and record it on the reading log.

  • Practice sight words and work on assigned math pages.

  • Read announcements, notes, flyers and all office information and make note of due dates.

At school, participate in the following school activities:

  • Back to School Night—will be in room B1 on Tuesday, 8/6/24 any time between 5:30-6:30. You are invited to visit your child's classroom. Please see me at this time, if you choose to volunteer either in the classroom, or at home.

  • Spirit Days are Mondays (motivational wear), Wednesdays (college/career wear) and Fridays (school shirt) along with other specially marked days when we wear school shirts or thematic shirts.

  • Fundraisers are extremely important to support.  Our whole student body counts on your participation, as minimal as it may be.

  • Join PTA—Membership dues are used to support school activities without you having to be present. I hope I can count on every family to pay a one time membership fee of $10 per family. Help our class win with the most memberships and join by August 30th to be in the drawing for school spirit wear.

Ultimately, we will be joining forces this year to ensure the success of your child’s kindergarten year at Solorio.  Communication is crucial. Please download the Rooms app, send me a note, or email:

Looking forward to meeting you and having a great school year!

Mrs. Juarez


Orientation Presentation

If you missed our Orientation presentation on Friday, 8/2/24 please click the link below to read the information we shared:

Back to School Night will be in room B1 on Tuesday, 8/6/24 between 5:30-6:30 (open house style). You are invited to come visit our classroom. There will not be a presentation. Instead, you will be able to pick up your child's Tiger Folder filled with a lot of valuable information. Please sign and send the forms in your child's folder on Friday, 8/9/24.

Please note: Your child will need headphones to use and keep in the classroom (no wireless). We strongly encourage you to send them as soon as possible. Please write your child's name on the headphones, with a permanent marker. Headphones will be provided, if needed. Thank you.

Contact Information

Office: 909-357-8691

Please note: I will respond to emails and messages, during school hours. Thank you for your patience.

Homework Assignments

Other Resources

Additional Information if Needed