
Jada Scorza

Hello Families and Students!
My name is Jada Scorza and I am beyond excited to begin this journey with you all to support and come alongside your child to help them grow and learn. It is my calling to serve and join you in molding your student to become the best version of themselves, not only focusing on academics but being sure to instill key life skills that will allow them access to successfully navigate and advocate for their rights needs and interests.

Fifth grade is a place where you will be asked to stretch and share a growth mindset to equip you with the tools for middle school. I am honored to embark on this wonder, exploration, and discovery journey!

A big part of our student's thriving is fluid communication between their support systems. I use the Remind app to communicate with families to make quick contact. Please download the Remind app on your phone so that we can begin communicating!

Click this link to learn more about me and my career in education.


"Education is transformational. It changes lives. That is why people work so hard to become educated and why education has always been the key to the American Dream, the force that erases arbitrary divisions of race and class and culture and unlocks every person's God-given potential."

Condoleezza Rice  


About Me


Color: Jade Green

Animal: Giraffes

Subject to teach: Math

Hobbies: Cycling, Listening to Audiobooks, and shopping/styling people

Store: Target, Amazon, Sephora & Lululemon

Fast Food: In-N-Out

Food: Sushi & Dumplings

Contact Information

Email: jada_scorza@etiwanda.org

School Phone: (909) 357-8691

Rooms App: Make sure you download the app! This replaced the Remind messaging app.


Back-to-School Night was Tuesday, August 6th.

Here is a link to the Back to School Night Presentation.


Upcoming Events

Calendar-at-a-Glance - Mark Your Calendars

August 15

Fire Drill #1

August 19

PTA Meeting 2:00 pm

August 20

Fall Picture Day (Picnic Lunch Outside for All Students)

New Teacher Huddle 3:00 pm

August 22

District Wide Active Shooter Drill #1

August 29

Flag Ceremony/COTM/Popcorn Fundraising Assembly 8:30 am

September 2

Labor Day (No School)

September 3 - 6

Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser

September 3

Tiger Bite Night

September 5

Site Safety Meeting (7:45 am)

September 6

Solorio Emergency Kits Purchase Due Date

Homework Procedures

  • Students will be required to write down their homework in their Student Planners every day.

  • Students need to complete and return their homework nightly.

  • Homework is due each morning Tuesday through Friday.

  • Students will be asked to complete any unfinished classwork at home.

  • Student work will be sent home in your child's homework folder. Some assignments will be on

    Google Classroom.

Late Work Policy


  • Late work that is submitted past the due date will receive partial credit (50%) up until a week then I will not take it. 

Late Slip Required

  • For EVERY Assignment you turn in late, you must fill out a Late Slip

  • This applies to both online and paper assignments

  • Important: Do not fill out one slip for multiple assignments. Each late assignment needs its own slip!

Paper Assignments

  • Fill out the Late Slip and staple it to your assignment

  • Turn in both the slip and the assignment to the designated bin

Online Assignments

  • Fill out the Late Slip and place it in the turn-in bin.

  • No need to staple anything for online work, just make sure you complete and submit the form!

No Verbal Reminders

  • I will not accept your late assignments if you verbally remind me without turning in the Late Slip. The slip is your responsibility and must be turned in with each late assignment.

Supply List

The following items are recommended for each student:
Your donation is voluntary, and no student will be denied participation if a donation is not made.

  • Reusable water bottle

  • Working headphones

  • Computer mouse (suggested)

As we use our class supplies, donations will be appreciated such as:

Glue sticks
• Pencils #2 (not decorative – yellow/plain is best)
• Black dry erase markers
• Post it notes (3X3)
• Large pink erasers
• Boxes of facial tissue
• Composition books (wide rule)
• Subject wide ruled spiral notebooks or paper

Tiger Card

What is the Tiger Card? The Tiger Card is a weekly report that provides a snapshot of your student's performance and behavior in class. It is designed to keep you informed about how your student is doing academically and socially each week.

How It Works:

  1. Distribution: Every Friday, your student will bring home their Tiger Card.

  2. Review: Please take some time over the weekend to carefully review the information on the card.

  3. Sign: After reviewing the card, sign it to confirm that you have seen the report and discussed it with your student.

  4. Return: Ensure your student brings the signed Tiger Card back to school on Monday.

Why is the Tiger Card Important?

  • Communication: The Tiger Card is an important tool for maintaining open communication between school and home.

  • Monitoring Progress: It helps you track your student's progress and address any concerns promptly.

  • Encouragement: Reviewing and discussing the card with your student can encourage positive behavior and academic effort.

Steps for Parents:

  1. Look for the Tiger Card each Friday: Remind your student to give it to you as soon as they get home.

  2. Review the details: Check for notes on academic performance, behavior, and any other comments from the teacher.

  3. Discuss with your student: Talk about what went well and any areas that may need improvement. Praise their successes and provide support for any challenges.

  4. Sign the card: Your signature is required to indicate that you have reviewed the report.

  5. Ensure it is returned on Monday: Help your student remember to bring the signed card back to school.

Tips for Effective Use:

  • Set a Routine: Establish a regular time each weekend to review the Tiger Card together.

  • Stay Positive: Focus on positive reinforcement and constructive feedback.

  • Communicate: If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your student's teacher.

Amazon Wishlist

Your Help is Appreciated!

Hi families, I’ve put together an Amazon wishlist featuring various classroom supplies.

While contributing to this wishlist is never required, it is always deeply appreciated. Your support helps ensure that our classroom is well-equipped and allows me to provide a rich and engaging learning environment for every student.

If you’re interested, you can view and contribute to the wishlist here:

Classroom Supply Wish List

Thank you so much for your continued support and for helping to make this a wonderful year for our 5th graders. Your generosity truly makes a difference.

Tiger Card

5th Grade Band

Band is a 5th-grade privilege, offering students a unique opportunity to develop their musical skills and creativity. Students will be taken out of class during core instruction time to participate in band practice. That said, it is important to note, they won't be excused from the assignments missed during core instruction and must be responsible for making up or independently learning the lessons.

Who's Your Hero

WHO'S YOUR HERO? helps 5th-grade girls make confident, healthy choices through weekly after-school sessions covering topics like self-confidence, education, diversity, and nutrition. Values such as respect and integrity are emphasized, aiming for outcomes like self-respect and community service.