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Ms. Stevens 🤓

Welcome to Second Grade!

This is going to be a great Adventure!

This year, marks the 25th year I have been working in the Etiwanda School District. I started my career here as a Substitute Teacher and had the opportunity to help write individual curriculum for SDC. I then started as a General Education teacher in Second Grade. I have taught kindergarten, first grade, and fourth grade. I am excited to be in second grade again this year!

My goals have always been to make a difference in the world, and to leave the world a better place. I strive for this every day and encourage my students to do the same. I encourage my class to work as a community, or family. I wish them to build each other up, and to help each other when they are down. Academics are important, but so is the content of their character.

This year I hope to help your students with the transition from Kindergarten, to First Grade! This could be the first time your student will be on the larger playground and I know that along with the excitement, there will be some hesitation. I want you all to know that with the routines we will have in place, as well as the FANTASTIC staff, we ill all be successful.

Communication is the KEY! If you should have any questions, or concerns, please contact me! You can email me at, or contact me via ROOMS. This is our district/school communication system.

With that said, let us start our ADVENTURE!


Minimum day EVERY Monday- dismissal is at 1:15. We will be walking ALL 2nd graders through the gates between the F and G pods, at the front of the school. If you have an older sibling, have them meet outside the gate near the office.

Every Friday is Spirit Day! Wear your Solorio Spirit gear!

Upcoming Events

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Please click on the link and sign up for a day and time! Be sure to check if the day and time is zoom or in person!


Weekly Newsletter Link

PE is every Wednesday and Friday from 1:30-2:20. Be sure to dress appropriately and bring a water bottle.

Library is on Tuesday each week. Students will be able to check out up to 3 books. Your student will be encouraged to check out books at their level, and at least one Non Fiction.