Hope Ambassadors
What is Hope Ambassadors?
Students who participate in this amazing organization on campus help bring a sense of community to our school. Hope Ambassador students work together to encourage a school-wide network. The team is committed to building a positive and hopeful community within the school. This program is offered to ANY student on campus who is interested in building healthy relationships here on campus.
The purpose of the program includes the following:
Promotes permanent cultural change and an atmosphere of hope and kindness at our school
Seeks and provides ways for the entire school to implement encouragement and support for others
Provides an atmosphere for the implementation of projects related to Inclusion and Wellbeing
Organizes and promotes service activities for students, teachers, and staff at HIS
How can my child Join?
If your child would like to please have them reach out directly to Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Daniels
What is the commitment?
Hope Ambassadors meet twice a month. Hope Ambassador executive members are expected to meet one time a month to prepared an plan the upcoming team meeting.
Hope Ambassadors meet on a monthly basis to discuss upcoming events being held on campus, ways to promote positive climate, and community service opportunities.
Hope Ambassadors are asked to demonstrate positive role model characteristics such as being an upstander, showing empathy, and promoting inclusivity.