What is Universal Access?
According to the California Department of Education, students should have universal and equitable access to high-quality curriculum and instruction, so they can meet or exceed the Common Core State Standards (adapted from the California ELA/ELD framework). This is where the term Universal Access or UA, comes from. High Quality Curriculum, Purposeful Planning, Uninterrupted and Protected Instructional Time, Scaffolding, Flexible Grouping Strategies, Differentiation, and Progress Monitoring are all essential components of UA (adapted from the California Mathematics Framework).
What if my child is...
How can parents/guardians support?
Communication is the most important form of support. Utilize the Aeries Parent Portal to stay on top of your child’s grades. Take a look at their Binder Reminder and help them to stay on top of their homework. Help reinforce that the Binder Reminder is a tool and can be used like a checklist for homework. Ensure that your child is doing weekly grade checks and showing you their grades. Have conversations with them about their weekly progress. Take a look at the data chats in their Binder Reminder and have conversations with them about their academic progress throughout the year. You can find your child’s teacher’s UA plan on his or her website, as well. Parents are encouraged to connect with their child’s teachers if they have any additional or specific questions about UA.