Welcome to 6th Grade!
This is my 11th year teaching at Heritage Intermediate.
I received my Master's Degree in Education and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from the University of California Riverside. My Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies, with a concentration in Mathematics, was earned through California Baptist University.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns @ 1(909)357-1345.
Nicole Poertner
8/5 First Day of School (Minimum Day)
8/19 Minimum Day
9/2 Labor Day-No School
9/9 Non-Student Day
9/16 Minimum Day
9/23-9/27 Parent Conferences (Minimum Days)
10/7 No School -Student Recess
10/14 Minimum Day
10/28 Minimum Day
11/11 Veterans Day- No School
11/18 Minimum Day
11/22 Minimum Day
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Recess
12/9 Minimum Day
12/19 Minimum Day
12/20-1/3 Winter Break
1/6 Minimum Day
1/20 MLK Day-No School
1/27 Minimum Day
1/31 Non-Student Day
2/10 Minimum Day
2/14 Lincoln’s Day-No School
2/17 President’s Day-No School
2/24 Minimum Day
3/10 Minimum Day
3/21 Minimum Day
3/24-3/28 Spring Break
3/31 Minimum Day
4/14 Minimum Day
4/28 Minimum Day
5/12 Minimum Day
5/22 Last Day of School (Minimum Day)
Upcoming Events
8/7 Back to School Night 5-7 p.m.
Homework Assignments
Back to School Night Information
Exploratory Course: College and Career
Course Description:
Students will have the opportunity to analyze what goes into obtaining a job as well as what stands out to an employer. Skills such as how to build a resume, how to fill out a job application, and qualities of a potential job candidate will be explicitly taught. In addition to these skills, we will review what to and what not to wear to a job interview. Mock interviews will be held in order for students to gain experience with general interview questions that may be asked in the future. We will review how networking and team building are essential to success in the workplace.
6 Week Agenda:
Week 1: Getting a job
Week 2: Job Applications and Resumes
Week 3: Interviewing/Mock Interview
Week 4: Employable Skills: Communication/Attitude
Week 5: Employable Skills: Teamwork/Networking
Week 6: Employable Skills: Problem Solving/Professionalism
Universal Access
Our primary focus will be to develop foundational skills in Math.
This will be accomplished during 3rd period Tuesday-Friday, students receive universal and equitable access to high-quality curriculum and instruction, so they can meet or exceed the Common Core State Standards for MATH. This is where the term Universal Access or UA, comes from. High Quality Curriculum, Uninterrupted and Protected Instructional Time, Scaffolding, Flexible Grouping Strategies, Differentiation, and Progress Monitoring.